Saturday, July 30, 2011

An Oldie but a goodie....

Well that week went by in a blink! Hard to believe four days of your life can zip by that fast! Don't get me wrong there were a few days in there they dragged or was that my behind? But I can honestly say I am back on Canadian soil, body, mind, and soul. Ya, ya, I know sicko. So the week flew by with a daughter arriving home for a few days, running around getting the son ready for the movers, baking a few goodies for No. 1 Daughter to take back home......and I couldn't believe I actually baked chocolate chip cookies on Wednesday and it was National Milk Chocolate Day! What a flook that was? How fitting. I have been running and trying to get back into the swing of things but I have to admit it has been hard. Mainly because for some reason or another...... my eating habits have taken a nose dive.......I plan to get back on track Monday after the schedules get back to normal and Himself and Herself go back to eating our regular diet. Yikes doesn't take much to fall off the wagon!

Like I said, Trish and I were back on the roads this week, none of this sissy getting back into it, no sirree, jump right back in and do 10km after three weeks off. Not once but twice. STUPID! Yup that was us, but we did it Tuesday and Thursday and then today were did 14km. We were both scared we'd die but nope no such luck. We survived and we're fine for it. Okay.... maybe not fine but once you've run that length, I really don't think a little break should get you out of shape that fast. And we aren't.... so it's all good!

So I got this little diddy in my head this morning, and if you are old enough to remember Gene Kelly the words will seem familiar. Hope your days are nicer than ours but it is what it is. So build a bridge and get over it! Have a great night!

I'm running in the rain
Just running in the rain
What a glorious feelin'
I'm crazy again
I'm laughing at clouds
So dark up above
The sun's in my heart
And I'm ready for the wet
Let the stormy clouds chase
Everyone from the place
Come on with the rain
I've a smile on my face
I run down the lane
With a happy refrain
Just runnin’
Runnin’' in the rain

I'm runnin’ and yappin’ in the rain...
Why am I smiling
And why do I run?
Why does August
Seem cloudy as spring?
Why do I get up
Each morning and start?
Happy and head up
With joy in my heart
Why is each new task
A trifle to do?
Because I am living

A life full of puddles..

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