Sunday, March 14, 2010

Espe Purse and Baking

How do you like it? I saw it yesterday at the Shhhhh Store and it called my's so cute...

Daylight savings came upon us early this year and I don't know why but I thought it was going to be lighter in the morning earlier but no it's the other way around. Blonde moment......So this morning when I got up at 7, it was really 6 so I guess the time change didn;t really phase on me, but I got an early start on the day and managed to accomplish quite a bit, that would be because I go back to work tomorrow of course. So I did some more baking with the machine....I love this doesn't get any easier than this and the product is soooooo good!

So I made four batches of dough, and got 3 pans of cinnamon buns and some hot cross buns but I must admit, I wasn't happy with the hot cross buns, partly my fault for letting them rise way to high and they sort of became a loaf.....still tasty but not what you would time.

I actually made them last night so that I would have them for my Sunday breakfast...I love bread and it really loves my hips so I don't usually give in but oh what the heck! Then this morning I made another big batch for the kids next door, I'm sure Susan would have liked to kill me but hey I didn't twist her arm, she could just ignore them......but I know she couldn't!

Then I thought I should make some cookies and get ahead of the game....these will go in the freezer for a later day.

Also went and had a haircut and color this afternoon. Good for a few months again.

Too funny I know!!! If you can't laugh at yourself, it would be a sad place. Anyway back to the Canucks game. Good night!


  1. Email me and tell me about your bread machine. where did you get it? How much? What type of loaf does it make etc
