Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday Running Group

I thought I would post something about running today since I am a crafty runner but I don't usually say too much about it. So this morning after our weekly Friday run, I took a photo of the group at our local coffee shop. It's more of a social thing on Fridays to catch up with everyone if you missed coming out during the week. It was a large group today and even then we were missing a few of the regulars. But work, injuries, and families sometimes take precedent over our early hour runs. Today I am happy to report no one tried running us down. Of course it helped that it has melted a great deal and there's more sidewalk and bike lane to run in. But Paige did have her camera in case the same person tried it again. But I think her reporting of the license number last week may have put an end to that happening again. I would have to say our group is fairly considerate of cars and realize that we are no match for 2000 pounds of Detroit steel. But that's a whole other topic of discussion.

These photos are quite funny as most of the group had some sort of reflective clothing on therefore, it tends to make for a glowing effect that almost makes us look terrestrial. Quite weird if you aren't expecting it.
Today was quite balmy, although it did start to rain when we were nearing the end. And did it ever rain for a few hours, would not have wanted to be running in that. So we were lucky. Tomorrow I think will be a mess since it snowed and thawed and tonight it is going to -6C. I'm happy I won't be running tomorrow, instead I will be painting the laundry room. Wish me luck, have a great evening!

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