Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010!

Yet another year has past....amazing isn't it that 365 days have passed before our very eyes. I hope everyone has made their New Year's Resolutions for 2011. I for one will not do any such thing! Can you imagine the pressure? No I am not one for making resolutions, I see no point. It would just lead to disaster or disappointment. No, I believe if you want to do something, just do it!  It doesn't need to be the beginning of a New Year, no sirree! Just get'ter done I say.

So I have been perusing some of my favourite blogs and see that most of them are talking about favourite projects of the past year. My favourite and most successful projects were my ensuite reno and my bedroom suite remake. Other little projects were good but the most work and gratifying were those two. All my crafting and running days are what I love to do, so I just grateful to be able to enjoy each idea and each kilometer one day at a time.

I hope you have a wonderful 2011 and best wishes to all. Keep smiling and keep on running! See you next year!

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