Saturday, July 30, 2011

An Oldie but a goodie....

Well that week went by in a blink! Hard to believe four days of your life can zip by that fast! Don't get me wrong there were a few days in there they dragged or was that my behind? But I can honestly say I am back on Canadian soil, body, mind, and soul. Ya, ya, I know sicko. So the week flew by with a daughter arriving home for a few days, running around getting the son ready for the movers, baking a few goodies for No. 1 Daughter to take back home......and I couldn't believe I actually baked chocolate chip cookies on Wednesday and it was National Milk Chocolate Day! What a flook that was? How fitting. I have been running and trying to get back into the swing of things but I have to admit it has been hard. Mainly because for some reason or another...... my eating habits have taken a nose dive.......I plan to get back on track Monday after the schedules get back to normal and Himself and Herself go back to eating our regular diet. Yikes doesn't take much to fall off the wagon!

Like I said, Trish and I were back on the roads this week, none of this sissy getting back into it, no sirree, jump right back in and do 10km after three weeks off. Not once but twice. STUPID! Yup that was us, but we did it Tuesday and Thursday and then today were did 14km. We were both scared we'd die but nope no such luck. We survived and we're fine for it. Okay.... maybe not fine but once you've run that length, I really don't think a little break should get you out of shape that fast. And we aren't.... so it's all good!

So I got this little diddy in my head this morning, and if you are old enough to remember Gene Kelly the words will seem familiar. Hope your days are nicer than ours but it is what it is. So build a bridge and get over it! Have a great night!

I'm running in the rain
Just running in the rain
What a glorious feelin'
I'm crazy again
I'm laughing at clouds
So dark up above
The sun's in my heart
And I'm ready for the wet
Let the stormy clouds chase
Everyone from the place
Come on with the rain
I've a smile on my face
I run down the lane
With a happy refrain
Just runnin’
Runnin’' in the rain

I'm runnin’ and yappin’ in the rain...
Why am I smiling
And why do I run?
Why does August
Seem cloudy as spring?
Why do I get up
Each morning and start?
Happy and head up
With joy in my heart
Why is each new task
A trifle to do?
Because I am living

A life full of puddles..

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Some of my faves.......

As I was editing the mass of photos, I soon realized I have an affection for shapes and angles. Some of these photos I could'nt tell you where exactly they were taken, besides Ireland. I just liked the design of them. What can I say..... I have a weird eye for things. I always think of the saying " if it walks like a duck, it must be a duck". Well that's not entirely here are just a few oddities........

I think I am beginning to come right again. Trish and I ran this morning with Susan and Tanya, we were both dreading it, but low and behold we survived and were glad that we bit the bullet and did the whole 10km. I believe the words were spoken as we headed out "I may cut short". I don't know why your mind plays these games but we were strong and felt much better for it when we were done. So we are formulating our schedule to start training for the Okanagan Half Marathon. We have about 10 weeks, so I am confidante if we're careful, there will not be any injuries.  Touch wood!

The weather has been holding its own so I've gotten the front yard cleaned up and the back semi completed. Hopefully tomorrow it will be finished till at least the weekend. I've got baking to do, and some fabric calling my name.  Not to mention, getting the son's things ready for the movers......Thank heavens for summer vacation. Now for some tea before bed......nite!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Oh my goodness....where to begin?

Now that I am some what recovered from the jet lag there are many things that are in desperate need of would have thought with the in climate weather that things would slow down and not grow soooooo fast. Well they don't! My goodness the yard and flower beds resemble the jungle. It all looks so untidy.......But everything is very green so I will think I am still in Ireland. But with all the rain at home not much primping got done around the yard. So I am on a mission today. Also needing some attention is the fence. The son was suppose to paint it but with all the rain there wasn't a big enough window to cram it in. So I will quickly get that done before I start on the weed whacking!

Surprise Poppies! Have no idea where they came from but they are gorgeous!

Nice addition to the flower beds even if they aren't red.....oh well:)

It's so nice the sun has finally decided to come out, all the plants will feel so much happier. As will everyone else. My son has even hit the golf course. Not many days left and he will be leaving again. Sniff........Well onward with the day.......for tomorrow the running begins. Yikes! Have a wonderful day in the sun........

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Home Again.................

I seem to have lost a week in our travels, since I haven't posted anything for well over a week, me thinks it will take a while to catch up. The last post was arriving in Killarney, well another week passed and we stopped in many more places such as Limerick, Galway, Bunratty Castle, The Cliffs of Moher, Connemara, to the marble factory, Stopping in Galway for a few nights we took a day trip out to Kylemore Abbey and the Beautiful Victorian walled gardens(that I have hopes of incorporating some ideas into my own yard before the summer is over.) I know "himself" will be so happy to hear that one! Himself is the former Hubs if yours wonderin'. The Irish refer to spouses as "himself and herself". Well this "herself" is trying to come back from  jet lag, so the mind is a "wee" bit fogged. After Galway we stopped off at Clonalis House which is the ancestral home of the O'Conors, descendants of the last High Kings of Ireland. What a gorgeous house. The library has over 7000 books, and some are original works! The family living there now are direct descendant's of the O'Conors. Then it was on to the Belleek Pottery Centre where they make all that beautiful china. We had a tour of the facility and how it is all made and the steps till the final products, certainly explains the value, when you see the amount of work and craftsmanship that goes into a single piece. I refrained from buying anything. I know unbelievable, quite proud of myself actually! The same can't be said for some others. We had about an hour and a half in the city of Sligo, did lunch and a bit of shopping where my Mum bought herself a new purse. Funny story to follow. Finally our day ended in Londonderry/Derry. This would have us in Northern Ireland. We did a walking tour of Derry, and some free time of shopping. Then we were on to the Giants Causeway. Apparently the result of geological creation, myself I preferred the fairytale version of giants and such, fighting and running back to Scotland. Far more exciting! We spent the night at Ballygally Castle, and did not see the ghost of Isabelle, thanks goodness. Our room was right next to the tower and would have been quite disturbing. From Ballygally we headed to Belfast, I truly could not have ever in my wildest dreams believe that I would ever get to Belfast. What an amazing history of turmoil, and the strength to recover and desire to live in peace. Amazing that a few can turn the tides of history by a foolish action. So Belfast was the highlight of the tour at this point. of the many but it certainly was high on the list. Too many highs.......

To say I have many photos would be an understatement, at this point I believe I have edited them down to 1200......there's still work to be done. It's quite pain staking as I would liked to have them all but I think I will just put them on a CD and then develop and enlarge a few. We returned to Dublin which is an awesome city, and if you ever get a chance to explore it you should go. Words cannot begin to described the beauty and wonders on each and every corner.  London's Heathrow Airport is a total maze of confusion! If a person misses their flight there I would not be in the lesast bit surprised. After a gruelly flight home, Mum and I stayed the night in Vancouver before heading in our perspective directions on Saturday. I know I felt I am sure Mum was totally wasted. Anyways we are home and our own beds felt so good last night. I'm still waiting for them to tell me breakfast is served.................and where is Toni with our coach?

Youghal pronounced "You All"

A beautiful house I thought I could live in.........

Clonalis House, home of the O'Conors

Making the basket weave bowls at Belleek

Queen's University of Belfast

St. Colman's Cathedral in Cobh

The Stormont Estate

The Peace Wall in Belfast at the end of a street,
 that was the center of the worst fighting.
Well I shan't bore you with too many more photos but here are just a few more to end the trip. A wonderful and fantastic trip and many new friends made over the course of two weeks. To Wendy and Maureen, it was great to meet you, Bill and Cydna, thanks for the craic and Bill, thanks for making me brave enough to try Guinness. I ope the tour of the Guinness factory met up to your expectations and I hope you didn't have anymore treks Cyd that wore you out. Take care my friends and I hope you have a wonderful summer and the sun isn't too much of a shock.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Arrived in Killarney

We are in Killarney, arrived yesterday and today we had a tour around the Ring of Kerry, yesterday was a ride around the Dingle Peninsula, beautiful scenery. We have a good group on our bus, lots of fun and laughs. Shonah is our tour guide and Toni is our bus driver. I tried to write this last night and I hope blogger will cooperate today. We walked around Killarney last night after dinner, heavens the food is wonderful! Yesterday was "Ladies Day" at the horse races. Let me tell you the dresses were out in full force and the fashionators and high heels! Oh...Lordy! It was fun to just wander around and listen to the going s on.
This the proof I did kiss the Blarney Stone. Not a great photo but you can get the idea.

Some more colorful doors.

This was gate into the town of Youghal, pronounced "You all"

This place is called Port of Cobh(Cove) and here is where the Titanic made her last voyage before she sank. Also in Cobh is where approximately 150,000 people were either forced or not given much choice in the matter were emigrated to other parts of the world. Not a nice story by any stretch of the imagination. Many sad stories......

Quaint little towns with tons of history, and so much to read and look at. I love how the buildings, they are so colorful. Not just the doors but the houses and businesses, they are so cheery looking. Well time to get ready for dinner. And apparently, I am only allowed to load a few photos at a time with blogger these days......maddening I tell ya! Later my friends.......

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hello from Ireland

Well as far as the eye can see it is green and lush throughout the countryside. Totally awesome building from the 1500's that just make me stare in awe. I haven't been able to connect to the Internet with much success the last few days so today is a treat and we are into Day 3 and staying the night in Blarney. And yes I did climb to the top of the Blarney Castle and kiss the Blarney Stone. So don't say you weren't warned before I get home. I now have the gift of eloquence. Sad but true. Possible now I will be able to enter into politics and be quick with the wit and all the answers. Ya, ya, I know. Mom and I have been walking miles since we started on Monday unfortunately half a day was wasted when I woke up the first day with a migraine and spent the rest of the day in bed. But we have made up for it the last few days, walking miles around these15th century towns such as Dublin, Killkenny, Port of Cobh, Dungarvan, Cork and then lastly Blarney today.So far I have taken over 400 photos, oh my but the Costco bill be horrendous. I must have an affliction with old buildings of stone, and churches. |Because one photo is never enough. Also Ireland is known for their brightly colored doors, and if you know the story of how it came about it is quite amusing. So I will just put up a few at a time, as to not bore you.

This last photo was from the Japanese Gardens at the Irish National Stud Farm outside Dublin. An incredible Farm where some of the most fantastic racers have been bred and hired out for Stud. My love for horses was intensified with the beautiful grounds surrounding the farm. The facilities are tooooo die for. That is if you like that sort of thing. the horses are amazing Stallions. So it was a great visit. Since being in Ireland never to be called a wimp I had to give Guinness a try. Well guess what? I like it! Yes sireee, many a man has had a laugh that I was actually going to drink it but that I actually liked the taste. But to tell you a secret it does need a dash of salt! We are on to Killarney tomorrow and are there for two nights. I hope that I will have WI FI again. So good night from Blarney and may you all have the gift of the gab.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Just another little drop cloth project

I wasn't going to start any projects but the fabric was "screaming" at me so when you get an idea you should probably go with it. I spent yesterday sewing another cuuuute apron! I got my inspiration from a coffee mug that I got from my friend Pam when she went to Disneyland. I love the colors of the cup and well I had some red polka dot fabric.............well actually, I bought it because I had this idea in mind already! I'm bad!

So I had a little time on my hands and it helps deal with the waiting of our trip.......I had a few problems with my sewing machine and it's tension. Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!! Boy it's frustrating when things don't work properly.....but I persevered and finally got it to sew right. My son thinks I am little bit crazy but I just told him "I'm his very own crazy"......He thought it was funny!

Anyway, without further ado......a new addition to the apron collection:

Drop Cloth Minnie Mouse Apron

A few yo-yo flower embellishments

A flowered neckline
So the next apron I have in mind is going to have ruffles on it and maybe just a flower or two. But I will have to think on that one for a few weeks until I return from Ireland.
I saw on my Cluster Map that someone in Ireland has read my blog, and I said to the Hubs wouldn't it be neat if I met that person when I was over there. Unfortunately, it doesn't say which town they are from so I have no way of knowing who you are. But I hope you enjoyed reading about my crafty life. When I was running with my friend Susan this morning she asked me if I was going to run in Ireland. No, I think I shall just enjoy the ride, and have a wee bit of a break. I have my cameras all ready to go, I plan on taking MANY photos. I will be keeping a journal so that when I get home I will have my notes to check back on for the photos. My memory isn't what it used to be, overloaded I fear. The excitement tends to take over and the brain shuts down. Any way that's my theory. So two more sleeps......................

Monday, July 4, 2011

Life is a Bowl of Cherries

A wonderful fresh bowl of cherries
 Well I just have five more sleeps till we leave for Ireland. And yes I am getting excited. And no I haven't started packing..... I've been thinking about it........ just haven't narrowed it down yet. I work better under pressure and it Friday yet? I've been keeping an eye on the Weather Network, not that you can believe those guys, are they ever right? I think not! So where, oh where, to begin?

Our son came home on Saturday so there has been a little catching up to do, and well I have been busy, not on the weekend because it rained sooooooo much that I kind of shut down and went into hibernation mode. But today it was quite lovely so we were outside. It is nice to have him home even though he is quite bored. He's used to being busier and having more structure in his days. Plus his friends that are still around....well you know how it is when you go your separate ways in life......and his life is so different than theirs that they don't have much in common anymore. But he is going to go and visit his best friends parent for a few days, OMG that will be so hard, it brings tears to my eyes and chokes me right up. But I know he has a bond with them and I think it will be nice for Daniel's parents to hear stories of their son. Sniff........................ So "No" Life is not a bowl full of cherries some days..................But it is what it is.............

New travelling bag/purse

It is quite large for someone my size but it will serve its purpose.

Purse organizers I made, not sure how they will work but I think it is
better than just all being
dumped in, and having to dig around. At least that's my theory!
I looked around on a few blogs and went to the Etsy site to check out purse organizers and there are quite a few different styles.....and I had to play around with the dimensions as it is quite large the bag I got but it will hold everything I need to take and then some.

I spent a majority of the day outside fluffing flowerbeds,mowing grass, weed whacking,  and weeding. You have to make hay while the sun shines. Well tomorrow I think I will start packing or at least wash a few things and set them out......I hate packing..... not my favourite thing to do that is for sure. So on that note, I am just about done for the day....Oh! and Trish and I did run this morning (10km) and at a respectable hour (7:00) instead of our usual time. Can you imagine the temperature this morning was a cool 3' celsius.  What's with that in July........Tomorrow we hit the pool, then she is off to NYC for the week. Look out Broadway! Ciao.............

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Canada Day Everyone!

Today is Canada's 144th Birthday! And the celebration in Ottawa is underway with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William and Kate in attendance. What a beautiful couple they are. You can't help but admire them, they are very in tune with each other, and embarking on their Canadian Tour for the first time in their roles as the Duke and Duchess and as the future King of England. I guess you could call me a monarchist, because I like the fact that we are part of the Commonwealth and we have a King or Queen. I wish Wills and Kate all the best on their tour and wish they were coming to British Columbia but maybe next time they will be able to add us to their agenda.

William and Kate, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

Love this portrayal of our flag!

The sun is starting to shine, so I think it's time I quit watching the Canada Day Celebrations on TV and move my caboose. There's grass that will need mowing, room cleaning and bed making to get ready for the arrival of our son......... and possibly...... we will take a wonder through the park for our own July 1st Celebrations. Lets hope the weather holds out for the day. Have a wonderful day! Enjoy your day!